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8 Jan 2020

Quick Q&A with newly appointed head of CGIAR AMR Hub, Arshnee Moodley

CGIAR AMR Hub is pleased to welcome Arshnee Moodley, an associate professor from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark to lead the CGIAR AMR Hub hosted and led by ILRI. Having completed her undergraduate degree in 2002 from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa and received her PhD from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 2008, she has spent 12 years supervising and teaching students at the University of Copenhagen on infection microbiology, antimicrobial resistance, bacterial typing and non-antibiotic alternatives. ILRI’s bioscience writer, Ekta Patel caught up with her on some quick Q&A’s to get to know her a little better and to better understand her vision for the CGIAR AMR Hub. 

30 Dec 2019

AMR Newsletter Issue 3

October to December 2019 issue provides an overview of activities taking place by the CGIAR AMR Hub led by ILRI that has been developed with our partners for this quarter

5 Dec 2019

Antimicrobial resistance through the eyes of journalists in Kenya

World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) is celebrated every year in November, this year the CGIAR AMR Hub at the International Livestock research Institute (ILRI) jointly with Kenya's ministries of Health and Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation hosted, at the ILRI campus in Nairobi, a media sensitization on raising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) awareness.  Twenty-five journalists from a cross section of Kenya's media houses and magazine publishers attended the event and were joined by key speakers and observers from the Ministry of Health, the Directorate of Veterinary Services, the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the University of Nairobi (UONBI).


5 Dec 2019

Understanding context specific AMR interventions with experts representing different scientific disciplines

A four-day antimicrobial resistance (AMR) workshop at WorldFish in Penang, Malaysia aimed to inform the development of an AMR database platform for interventions, named AMRIntervene, and to validate factors that contribute to interventions that have successfully or less successfully addressed AMR. In addition, the workshop aimed to create a visual model of the inter-related factors influencing AMR in the south east Asian food system context that will be used to explore how promising interventions, if implemented could impact AMR and other parts of the system in the future. 

21 Nov 2019

Swedish University of Agricultural Science researchers behind international manual on antibiotics

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) participates in the launch of the manual “Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry”, which aims to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry. The launch took place at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO headquarters in Rome. Also included was Sweden's ambassador to Italy, representatives from the Ministry of Industry, FAO's Deputy Director General and Chief Veterinarian. The launch is part of World Antibiotics Awareness Week (WAAW) which is currently underway. 

6 Oct 2019

AMR Newsletter Issue 2

July to September 2019 issue provides an overview of activities taking place by the CGIAR AMR hub led by ILRI that has been developed with our partners for this quarter. 

25 Sep 2019

AMR parallel session at ILRI’s Institute Planning Meeting 2019

Last week the International Livestock Research Institute held the annual planning meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Parellel sessions were hosted by lead scientists to disseminate messages to various staff at the institute. One such session involved disseminating key messages about the role of CGIAR AMR hub and understanding AMR challanges. The participants engaged in role play activities allowing a fruitful discussion and two key messages that resonated amongst all three groups was the need to carry out surveillance to understand the extent of the problem as well as engaging with policymakers to stop the misuse of antimicrobials. 

23 Sep 2019

Global maps of AMR in low- and middle-income countries reveal hotspots of resistance in animals

In low- and middle- income countries trends in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in animals are poorly documented and in the absence of systematic surveillance systems, point prevalence surveys present a largely untapped source of information to map trends in AMR in animals. As reported last week by Maryn McKenna, a journalist and contributor for WIRED, the director of the center of disease dynamics, economics and policy in Washington, DC said recently that ‘everyone talks about antibiotics resistance in humans, but no one has been talking about antibiotic resistance in animals’. The comments were in response to the findings of a study looking at the trends of antimicrobial resistance in animals from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that are poorly documented. Researchers used geospatial modeling to produce maps of AMR in LMICs and give policymakers a baseline for monitoring AMR levels in animals and target interventions in the regions most affected by the rise of resistance.

14 Aug 2019

Mitigating the risks of antimicrobial resistance in the poultry value chain in Uganda through #BuildUganda

In early June this year, policymakers, researchers, government and private sector representatives from Kenya, Germany and Uganda met in Uganda to kick-off investments in Uganda’s livestock sector through the #BuildUganda Program which has been funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Corporation and Development (BMZ) and the Consultative Group for International Agricultural and Research (CGIAR) research programs on Livestock and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH). The project entails four components, namely, control and eradication of peste des petits ruminants and other diseases affecting small ruminants, controlling zoonotic disease like Rift valley fever affecting cattle, mitigating the risks of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the poultry value chain and improving veterinary public health at the abattoirs.