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Antimicrobial resistance work package of the CGIAR Initiative on One Health

The CGIAR Initiative on One Health aims to demonstrate how One Health principles and tools integrated into food systems can help reduce and contain zoonotic disease outbreaks, improve food and water safety and reduce anti-microbial resistance, benefiting human, animal and environmental health.

The initiative carries out research under five work packages: 

  • Emerging and neglected zoonoses
  • Food safety
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Water
  • Economics, governance and behaviour

The antimicrobial resistance work package, with research activities on aquaculture farms in Bangladesh and poultry farms in Kenya, takes a multi-pronged approach to reducing antimicrobial resistance:

  1. Reducing antimicrobial use including irrational use (e.g. targeting non-susceptible pathogens) and inappropriate use (e.g. antimicrobial growth promoters).
  2. Reducing the availability of falsified or poor-quality antimicrobials to reduce selection for antimicrobial resistance.
  3. Reducing transmission of antimicrobial resistance. It also focuses on improving understanding of how the environment acts as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance.