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A pig at a slaughter site in Busia, Kenya

Slaughterhouses are hotspots for the transmission of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.

Emerging Infectious Diseases (Oct 2023) reports on a new study by ILRI scientists on antimicrobial resistance in the slaughterhouse context in Busia, Bungoma and Kakamega counties in western Kenya. 

The team conducted stakeholder discussions on antimicrobial-resistant pathogens within the slaughterhouse setting.

Butchers were described as powerful stakeholders; challenges included limited funding and staff, inadequate infrastructure, and limited laboratory capacity. 

Slaughterhouse workers understood that their work increased their risk for exposure.

Hamilton, K.A., Njoroge, S.M., Momanyi, K., Murungi, M.K., Odinga, C.O., Bor, N., Ogendo, A.F., Odaba, J., Ogola, J.G., Fèvre, E.M. and Falzon, L.C. 2023. Antimicrobial resistance in slaughterhouses, Kenya. Emerging Infectious Diseases 29(10): 2155–2158.