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 July - December 2020

The following newsletter provides access and overview of the communication content of the CGIAR AMR hub led by ILRI that has been developed with our scientific partners for this quarter

The following blog posts have been developed: 

Watch a video:

Watch Online event discussing AMR:Moving from National Action Plans to National Action, featuring Arshnee Moodley (CGIAR AMR Hub), Ambassador Lone Wisborg(Danish Ambassador to the United States, Embassy of Denmark), Mirfin Mpundu (Director, ReAct Africa). 


Something to share with your partners:

 Share the brochure on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Facility at the CGIAR AMR Hub

Review research highlights under the five pillars:

  1. AM use

  2. Transmission dynamics

  3. Interventions

  4. Policy

  5. Capacity

For more information contact me or