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The following newsletter provides access and overview of the communication content of the CGIAR AMR hub led by ILRI that has been developed with our scientific partners for this quarter

The following blog posts have been developed: 

Watch a video:

Watch a five minute video made by Haiya TV as a series covering  Antibiotic Resistance: The next public health disaster featuring Arshnee Moodley (CGIAR AMR Hub), Dr. David Silverstein, Prof. Gunturu Revathi (Aga Khan University Hospital),Dr Victor Yamo (World Animal Protection)

Media Highlights:

The Petri Dish, Fleming Fund discusses the CGIAR AMR Hub, Issue 15

Something to share with your partners:

 Share the brochure on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Facility at the CGIAR AMR Hub

Review research highlights under the five pillars:

  1. AM use

  2. Transmission dynamics

  3. Interventions

  4. Policy

  5. Capacity

In other news

With the support of the CGIAR AMR-Hub: 

Mahesh Jampani has joined IWMI as a researcher on water quality modelling (AMR). He will be investigating the sources, loads, transport and fate of antimicrobial compounds, resistant bacteria, and antimicrobial resistant genes in water systems. AMR Hub communications looks forward to catching up with him on a Q&A on his project. 

Lilian Wambua, FLAIR fellow joins ILRI where her project focuses on developing diagnostics from shortcomings caused by infections caused by AMR. 

Dishon Muloi, Postdoctoral Fellow also joins ILRI to implement the Fleming Fund country grant for Kenya focusing on strengthening One Health surveillance for AMR.

CGIAR AMR Hub supported activities with World Fish and University of Exeter to raise awareness of antimicrobial resistance in rural aquaculture practice in Bangladesh through digital communications: a pilot study. Read more here


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